Friday, November 7, 2014

blizzard / no blizzard photos

Woke up in the morning to this sight of our front yard:


We all got sent home early yesterday because of the weather, and it just got worse over night.  This morning, the offices and schools were closed. The winds were blowing so hard we could barely see across the street. It was -45 with the windchill, and all of the flights out of town were cancelled. Snow day!

Usually that means we can just snuggle in our warm cosy house and watch movies all day while drinking hot chocolate. Unfortunately, we ran out of running water last night, which meant dishes would not be washed (yay!) and showers would have to wait (noooo!), which was a little gross. But people have survived in the north for centuries, so we knew we'd figure it out too.

We melted snow in a pot for water.  That's when I discovered snow is really dirty and gross.

Eventually we did find a place where we could use the washroom to shower, but we had to drive there. Through the blizzard. As we drove slowly down the street, I thought, why didn't Rob wipe the snow off the windshield? And then I realized that he did. We just couldn't see anything.  

Here are some photos of the blizzard. Most of it is just a lot of white nothing. For contrast of what things normally look like, I've included photos from other seasons.

no blizzard


no blizzard


 no blizzard


no blizzard


The dump is a good place to hang out during a blizzard.

Why not?