Sunday, July 5, 2015

I'm still here!

I'm still here, I promised! It's been a hectic couple of months - I've now moved from Cambridge Bay to Ottawa, so I'm sorry I've been absent.  I've still been writing, mostly in form of music reviews for Apt613. My latest review was about South African jazz pianist Abdullah Ibrahim - check it out!

Lately, my band Scary Bear Soundtrack has been getting ready to release a new album that we wrote and recorded entirely in Cambridge Bay. We're running an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds to produce them on CDs. If you're interested in ordering a copy of the album for yourself, plus special perks, you should help us out here! We'll be releasing the album on Friday, August 14 in Ottawa at our album release party, so if you're in Ottawa, you should definitely come check it out.

Album cover by Devon Crosby