If you're like me and you'd rather your money go towards charitable causes than to the tax man, there are all sorts of great fundraisers and charities to donate to. I've decided that I'm going to devote Fridays to listing my favourite social causes and events of the week:
- CN Cycle for CHEO: My good friend Jasmine Woodley is going to do a 70 kilometre obstacle course on her bicycle, because she is *crazy*. And by crazy, I mean full of all sorts of courage that I lack. Read more about CN Cycle for CHEO here, and open up your wallets to support kids with cancer.
- Team aca-Pedal harmoKNEEs for the ORCC Spin-a-Thon: My friend Janet Lo is also going to do crazy things to her legs by spinning for EIGHT HOURS in order to raise funds for the Ottawa Rape Crisis Center. Those of you who know me know that supporting survivors of sexual assault is an important cause to me. Help my friend Janet out...and maybe we should send her a massage therapist for her legs afterwards too.
- Calgary Housing and Employment Services: My friend Josh Lam is very passionate about justice issues, because, well, he's just generally a really nice guy. After doing some great work for the International Commission of Jurists in Kenya, he's now helping to start up a new project in Calgary where he's based, Calgary Housing and Employment Services. This organization provides individuals facing homelessness with supported housing and employment strategies along with specialized legal services, and they very much could use your funding to get started.