Looking for a good cause to donate to these days? On October 6, Leanne will participate in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation's Run For The Cure. Twenty years ago, when Leanne was a baby, and my brother-in-law Kevin was just five years old, their mother passed away after a brave fight with breast cancer. Leanne has been participating in the Run for the Cure for several years now in memory of her mother. It's a wonderful way to pay tribute to her memory, and a noble cause. You can make a donation here.
As a reminder, I am also collecting donations for the Polar Bear Dip. On August 2, I will be jumping into the Arctic Ocean - without a wetsuit - as part of a fundraiser to collect money for a new community facility in town. It will be cold, very cold. You can read more about the event and make a donation here.
And now, here are some random kayaking photos, in case you haven't been getting enough of those this week.
me, in the Britney Spears (my little red kayak)
the sea can we use for storage as well as a change room, which is a vast improvement over last year, where people had to change in and out of their wetsuits on the side of the road - a bit awkward, you have to admit.
photo by Miguel Chenier